Ethereum Gained 0.63% to $3329.71

Ethereum is up $20.82 today or 0.63% to $3329.71

  • Up two consecutive days, up 1.7% over this period
  • Up 45.85% year-to-date
  • Down 30.63% from its all-time high of $4800.00 on Nov. 9, 2021 (based on 5 p.m. levels)
  • Up 78.53% from 52 weeks ago (April 6, 2023), when it traded at $1865.02
  • Down 17.41% from its 52-week high of $4031.50 on March 11, 2024 (based on 5 p.m. levels)
  • Up 116.85% from its 52-week low of $1535.49 on Oct. 12, 2023 (based on 5 p.m. levels)
  • Traded as high as 3443.14
  • Up 4.06% at today’s intraday high; Largest intraday % increase since March 25, 2024 when it was up as much as 7.17%

Note: The Ethereum price is a 5 p.m. ET snapshot from Kraken